This task is all about creative problem solving, non-verbal communication, and teamwork. Empathy can seem like a rather abstract concept. “interplayConstruction” wants to change that by encouraging the students to find their own visualisations of empathy. How does empathy look like? Is it smooth or edgy? Is it still or moving? Is it loud or silent? Students are asked to repurpose materials they already have in their classroom. What could that string be used for? What if I cut this cardboard into small pieces? What if I turn that chair upside down? They are teamed up in groups that each builds a construction. During the game they are not allowed to talk to each other. In order to include all group members equally, they have to find other forms of communication - they have to be empathetic with each other.
“interplayConstruction” can be complemented with a second construction task. For that, every student gets a construction card that explains their individual task. They will either receive the task to build a construction that represents empathy or to build a construction that represents the opposite of empathy. The students are not allowed to talk about their tasks with each other. Again, they work in teams. But this time even more problem solving skills are needed. It you want to play with this second task, it is recommended to conduct the exercise “beApathy” before.
You can fit nine cards on one A4.