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What is the opposite of empathy? Is it indifference, “a lack of interest in someone or something”? Or apathy, a “behaviour that shows no interest or energy and shows that someone is unwilling to take action, especially over something important”? How do the students think about the opposite of empathy? This task can be introduced by collecting personal experiences where the students were missing empathy. Afterwards “beApathy” can be discussed. “beApathy” is an ironic guideline for how to be apathetic. Different definitions of empathy have been deliberately turned around in an attempt to break up the concept of empathy. By explaining what empathy isn’t, its actual traits become clear. It is best to read out the steps slowly and one after the other. Afterwards the students can share their thoughts in groups. Thereby it is important to always make a connection to what empathy actually means. E.g. if apathy means to “judge as much as you possibly can”, what does that consequently say about empathy? The students should formulate and write down their ideas of empathy. Those first definitions can be used again for the task “empathyAgreement”.

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